Friday, May 2, 2014

Progress is sloooow...


I haven't come back to this blog since I started it 5 weeks ago.  Hmmm.

I was actually doing pretty well, too, for about 3 days.  Not bad, huh?  My kids and I have been getting hit with all kinds of sickness.  Not fun.  I think we may be in the clear, though, and I am SO ready to get going again.

So here we go!

Confession:  I feel like I've been floundering in my life these past several months.  I've just barely been making it.  I want to feel like I am excelling, though.  There is a lot of fulfillment in progress and purpose and I know I have the potential for both.  I've just been holding myself back.  I struggle with sooo many things, but I feel like several of the things I struggle with could be helped or remedied if I went to bed earlier at night and woke up earlier in the morning.  It sounds so simple, but for me, it's not.  It's a huge weakness of mine.  I just enjoy the peace and quiet and relaxation of the evening waaay too much.  Kids asleep, time with my husband, movies, ice cream, Facebook, etc.  Sometimes even dishes and laundry if I'm feeling really good.

It may seem like such a trivial, silly issue, but I feel like if I were just better at this one thing, I would have more energy for my family (and home), more patience, more productivity in the zillion things I feel like I could be doing, etc.

But mostly... I could be a better mom.  I just want to be a good mother for my kids whom I love so much. (Did I use 'whom' correctly?... I really do want to know.)  :)

This verse of scripture inspires me...

"Cease to be idle; cease to be unclean; cease to find fault one with another; cease to sleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated."  
                                                                              Doctrine and Covenants 88:124

At certain times in my life I was doing this... going to bed early and waking up early, and it was amazing the difference it made in my entire day.  I love staying up late, but I allllways regret it in the morning when I am a grumpy zombie mom barely making it in the morning and day.  I do not do well on little sleep.

Night time comes and we get the kids ready for bed, and I'm thinking, "I am so going to bed as soon as they are asleep.  I am sooo tired.  It'll be so great."  And then, like clockwork, they fall asleep and something magical happens.  I wake up.  And I'm ready to dance the night away.  :)

I do think an hour or so is good to just decompress, talk with my husband, and relax.  I need that.  I just have a problem with keeping it to only an hour or so.

The purpose of this blog is to help me be a little more accountable for the choices I make.  I have so many changes I need to make.  Going to bed early is just the tip of the iceberg.

                                         At least Barney is catching some good z's.

As my roommate, Becky, would always say, no matter the time of day...

Good morning!